Peredvhizniki show at National Museum in Stockholm Part 2.

I have decided to just upload the whole show with a few choice closeups, and then return to them later with posts on single paintings.

"Give me a dirty puddle!"

Impossible to capture this. I will  have to go back and try again. (No arm twisting necessary I can assure you) 
Apparently when the artist (Arkhip Kuindzhi) painted this he used Bitumen, and it is considerably darker now than when it was made.

Peredvhizniki show at National Museum in Stockholm. Part 1

There is an amazing show up in Stockholm until January regarding " The Wanderers", a group of painters who rebelled against the Russian art school system and branched off for themselves. I'm not going to go in to that too much at this point, Im merely going to post every single painting in that show high rez on this blog in segments with a few days inbetween. This IS a must see show if you are in the area. The shows catalog is avaliable on amazon 

I have no idea why its showing up as an un-in-zoomable slideshow, but if you wish to see the images more freely, right-click, then choose either "view/open link in new tab" or "save link as" and save it to your chosen folder on your computer.